2021 Doctoral Student Poster Sessions

Each accepted 2021 Doctoral Student Poster is assigned to a themed “room” for the purposes of the virtual presentations. Virtual presentations will take place from 3:00-3:45 PM EDT on Thursday, October 21. Participants are encouraged to preview posters here on the website and then select a thematic “room” to attend during the virtual conference. For more information about the themes and individual posters, please see below. Click on any poster to read more (move your mouse over the enlarged poster to read the abstract) or download the poster abstract PDF.

Assessment in Music Education | Conversations about Philosophy and Research Methods

Creativity and Composition in the Music Classroom | Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Music Education

Digital Music Making | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access

K-8 General Music | Music Learning in the Home | Preservice Music Education

Techniques for Teaching in the Ensemble | The Role of Gender and Identity in Music Learning

Assessment in Music Education

Moderator: Dr. Kenneth Elpus | University of Maryland, College Park

Conversations about Philosophy and Research Methods

Moderator: Dr. Rhonda Fuelberth | University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Creativity and Composition in the Music Classroom

Moderator: Dr. Linda Thornton | The Pennsylvania State University

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Music Education

Moderator: Dr. Karen Salvador | Michigan State University

Digital Music Making

Moderator: Dr. Carlos Xavier Rodriguez | University of Michigan

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Access

Moderator: Dr. Juliet Hess | Michigan State University

K-8 General Music

Moderator: Dr. Marie McCarthy | University of Michigan

Music Learning in the Home

Moderator: Dr. Sarah Watts | The Pennsylvania State University

Preservice Music Education

Moderator: Dr. Peter Miksza | Indiana University Bloomington

Techniques for Teaching in the Ensemble

Moderator: Dr. Daryl W. Kinney | The Ohio State University

The Role of Gender and Identity in Music Learning

Moderator: Dr. Sarah Bartolome | Northwestern University

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